Efficiency Works helps customers transition to energy efficient LED bulbs
Daylight dwindles in the winter, requiring us to rely more on light bulbs to illuminate our everyday activities. Are you using the best bulb for your needs? Replacing older, incandescent bulbs with LEDs can save time, energy and money. ENERGY STAR® rated LEDs use at least 75% less energy and last up to 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs.

There are two ways to receive rebates on residential lighting upgrades with Efficiency Works:
- In-store: You can purchase lighting from local home improvement stores like Home Depot and Lowe's and receive an instant rebate on select LED lighting options.
- Online: If you prefer to shop online, the Efficiency Works Store offers customers a one-stop-shop solution for their efficiency needs - shoppers get instant rebates on products like smart thermostats, LED lighting and more.
In 2021, Efficiency Works provided rebates for more than 115,000 LED bulbs, saving more than 2,000 MWh of energy each year.
To learn more about how you can upgrade your home lighting or participate in other Efficiency Works programs, visit www.EfficiencyWorks.org/homes.