Advising and assessments for commercial properties
Efficiency Works Business can identify potential energy efficiency opportunities and rebates so you or your tenants can save money on utility bills. Our energy advisors are available to complete facility assessments, review project bids, plan future projects and install qualifying efficiency items.
This free, no obligation advising and assessment service is available to commercial utility customers of Estes Park Power and Communications, Fort Collins Utilities, Longmont Power & Communications or Loveland Water and Power.

Energy advising
Need help starting your efficiency journey? Speak with an Efficiency Works Business advisor.

Free energy assessment
Need help identifying energy and water efficiency opportunities? Sign up for a free assessment.

Multifamily properties
Multifamily properties with five or more units per building can receive free advising and assessment services for common spaces and residential units.
View program terms and conditions in English or Spanish.
Case studies
Review case studies for ideas on how you can save your business energy, water and money and improve your building’s environment.
For more case studies and efficiency resources, visit our Business resources page.
More resources
Learn more about the advising process.
Integrated Design Assistance Program
The Integrated Design Assistance Program (IDAP) is currently only available to Fort Collins Utilities customers.
IDAP assists project owners, developers, design professionals and contractors in creating high-performing buildings that have lower energy use, reduced operations and maintenance costs and improved indoor environmental quality.
Financial incentives are available for participating building owners and design teams throughout the building process. To participate, design teams commit to an energy target of at least 10% below City of Fort Collins energy code requirements. Construction and performance incentives rise with increased energy savings.
Learn MoreCommercial property owners or tenants
Please contact 970-229-4823 or email [email protected] to learn about other business energy efficiency program offerings and incentives.